Miles and miles by Veronica Antonelli prod Handy Y Kap'z

par Tixhi  -  25 Décembre 2017, 15:22

Miles ans miles about psychological abuse =violences against women and children after separation

Miles ans miles about psychological abuse =violences against women and children after separation

This song is a love song for her beloved child for him to understand he can count on her mother that can help him to rebuild later.

« Miles and miles » is about maternal love for her child kidnapped by his father for 3 years and a half, that is illegal and unfortunately more and more usual in France. 

This mother explains to her boy she loves him, she went to see him and take him in the respect of the Law, but the father’s house was always empty doors closed. She travelled from north to south and south to north.

She never abandoned but could not accede to her hidden child, nether by phone or email, despite she interpolated police and judges for 3 years… while conversely it is usual when a woman does not respect jugement one time to be immediately sanctioned by prosecutor.

It is about a dramatic subject about violences that includes psychological abuses on children that are private from one of their parents and constrained to loyalty by their executioner because of an imbalance father and the silence of authorities.

Justice is France is unfit to this kind of violence against children and mothers despite of the progress on violences like Dr Salmona and Dr Romano about traumatic violence. In France violences post separation increase the violences against women and children. One woman every 3 days is murdered by a unbalanced ex. 

#DreHeleneRomano #DreMurielSalmona #DreIzard #stopviolencesfaitesauxfemmes #handykapz

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