Veronica Antonelli invited at the conference STATE OF THE COMMUNITIES "Every decision counts" 12/13 SEPTEMBER 2017 UNESCO

par Tixhi  -  17 Août 2017, 15:00  -  #dhillon marty foundation, #unesco, #world humanities, #veronica soprano, #soprano, #cantante, #singer, #lyrical, #identity, #society, #interconnected, #China, #Tour Eiffel, #travel, #tourism, #DMF

Veronica Antonelli invited at the conference to investigate sustainable solutions for our interconnected world

Veronica Antonelli invited at the conference to investigate sustainable solutions for our interconnected world

The Dhillon Marty Foundation presents State Of Community 2017, an annual conference bringing together academics, professionals, and youth to investigate sustainable solutions for our interconnected society.


L'association Dhillon Marty présente State of the Community 2017, une conférence annuelle réunissant des universitaires , des professionnels et des jeunes pour enquêter sur des solutions durables our notre société.

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