Salle d'expositions Shanghai #SWTF #Eurotourvipservice #VipDivaTour

par Tixhi  -  19 Avril 2017, 16:10  -  #tourisme, #chine, #shanghai, #swtf, #veronica antonelli, #Alliance Tour Europe, #Top of the world

Shanghai World Travel Fair #SWTF  蒙马特之莺——维罗妮卡·安德内里(Veronica Antonelli)and Yudong Dai #Eurotourvipservice

Shanghai World Travel Fair #SWTF 蒙马特之莺——维罗妮卡·安德内里(Veronica Antonelli)and Yudong Dai #Eurotourvipservice

Shanghai World Travel Fair #SWTF Shanghai at the end of the day  蒙马特之莺——维罗妮卡·安德内里(Veronica Antonelli)and Yudong Dai #Eurotourvipservice when we arrived at the hall.
Such a beautiful weather here !!!!

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