Unesco convention for "the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property" may 2015 by Veronica Antonelli

par Veronica Antonelli Veroniki  -  19 Mai 2015, 23:32  -  #veronica antonelli, #emirates delegation unesco, #unesco, #preservation, #protection human beings, #Paris

Veronica Antonelli invited by Emirates Delegation Unesco

Veronica Antonelli invited by Emirates Delegation Unesco

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Unesco 7e wonderfull view of Eiffel Tour crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco convention for "the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property" may 2015 by Veronica Antonelli
2015 Unesco 70 th anniversary of Unesco crédits Veronica Antonelli

2015 Unesco 70 th anniversary of Unesco crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco Greek Minister of Culture Mr Nikos Xydakis crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco Greek Minister of Culture Mr Nikos Xydakis crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco "cultivons la paix" crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco "cultivons la paix" crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco crédits Veronica Antonelli

Unesco may 2015, convention for "the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural property"

As a privileged guest, invited by Emirates permanent delegation of Unesco, i had the incredible opportunity to share an unforgettable moment.

As a special a capella lyrical singer into our heritage, i have a certain approch of the monuments. When i sing into a monument, i am at the service of the monument. I want it to share with me his hidden heart, to give me its best and invisible part: its acoustic. I am a medium between the monument and the public. I able people to touch our heritage into a very human way and to be touched by the monument. I make the monument vibrate and be alive! The public feels the human part of the structure and gets the historical secrets of our heritage.

In my original way of being in deep contact with our heritage, and sharing it back with the public, i have found -since the very first time while i created my concept "Enchanted Monuments: our heritage as never heard" in 2005- human constructions, human before being constructions. Human because transporting our History. The revelation happened in the Duomo at Syracuse Sicilia in 2005. While i was singing, i could see like "blurred pictures"in front of me, i had the vertiginous sensation to sing through the centuries...

Since then, i have practiced with my voice and all body many historical and natural sites. i simply sing a capella a vocalise and then a lyrical aria comes to me to reveal the hidden secrets of the monument, its soul.

Singing into a place built in -V like the Cathedral based on Athena's temple in Syracuse for example means having a chance to go and meet its all historical past. While i sing into a abyss 10 000 years old like the Gouffre de Padirac, i let you imagine the sensations i can live.

My concept "Monuments Enchantés" -Enchanted Monuments- allowes people to have the consciousness of the beauty of our heritage and take into account of the History of humanity too. I am convinced that without history, it is hard to live into the present moment , and also very complicated to estimate a stable future.

Our heritage is a part of our identity. After wars or pillagings, people has to face the lost of institutionnal memory. It is much more complicated to build.

In this convention, i discovered that the protection of our heritage could be a way to protect humanity. I was pleasantly surprised because our heritage is now considered like a protective way to save people from wars and pillaging. Just as a "Mamma" protects its children, Unesco will keep a benevolent look at its conservation areas. Destructions of monuments could be a way to interpolate nations to protect people from humanitarian urgencies, persecution of minorities and the shifting of human beings.

Our heritage takes its human face: the preservation of the monuments has the effect of the preservation of human beings.

Local mediations and conscienciousness raising could be a way to make people aware of fighting against plundering and destructions. The deployement of peacekeepers into the urgency sites could be a way to preserve our heritage and human beings.

Protecting our heritage means fighting against the thieveries of cultural property that means fighting against terrorism and protecting human beings.

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